Month: July 2017

You Still Don’t Get It….

I’m flying home from a week with some old friends from Grad School.  It’s so nice to spend time with my “roots,” if you will.  It gets me grounded and reminds me of the things I value in life.

Right now I’m sitting in an airport lounge waiting for a connecting flight and unsurprisingly CNN is on the TVs.  As a captive audience I have no choice but to hear the endless prattle.  And of course, the subject is Trump and another tweet he made.  This time apparently he re-tweeted a video someone made of him “body-slamming” CNN.

“It’s a threat to free speech,” they shout.  “It’s inherently dangerous to encourage violence against the media!” And they go on and on and on.  The hysterics make me shake my head in sympathy for these self-important people.

I really shake my head at the Leftward media and their 24/7 attempt to drive Trump from office by hook or by crook.  The attacks wreak of desperation.  And yet, they can all be summarized in this media-vs-trump supporters dialog:

Don’t you get it?  Trump’s an idiot and he shouldn’t be President.

Yeah, but he is President.  It’s not as if you can take back the receipt.

But he stole the election from Hillary!  He’s got to step down for the sake of democracy.

Remember when you insisted that there’s no election fraud?  Well, we agree.  And it’s not our fault you put up a candidate that was only popular in deep-blue states.

But he’s dangerous!  Can’t you see what a threat he is to us all???

Then impeach him.  Otherwise you’re over-reacting and you need to calm down.

No!  You’re not listening!  We’ve got to get rid of him now!  By any means necessary.

So, you’re suggesting violence is a valid option?


And that’s where we are.  We have a media and other left-leaning people that not only think Trump stole the election, but that he is a genuine threat to their existence.  And when people feel threatened, they act out in a whole spectrum of ways, including hysteria and even violence.  As proof I can show you a baseball field in Virginia.

Until and unless the media back-down from this “we’re right, you’re wrong” crap nothing will improve.  The damage done by this “cold war” between the media and the administration could be drastic to the First Amendment and could lead to genuine violence.  It’s bad enough when the media riles-up people to commit violence on campuses and in urban neighborhoods.  It’s much worse when it leads to violence against the actual institutions of society.